Leana's Comedy Blog Etc...

The continuing saga of a single, burgeoning stand-up comedienne/wanna-be poker ingénue/bitter corporate drone/closet hermit/hapless homeowner…living in L.A.

Friday, March 30, 2007

A Surprise in Every Load

There was something extra special in my laundry basket when I came back up from the laundry room the other night.

This is the skankiness you can SEE. I'm wondering what other types of filthy, grossness are lurking in the dryers down there.

I feel like taking a rape shower now.

The Carrot

Well, actually it's the chocolate chunk muffin I rewarded myself with for going to the gym yesterday.

Of course, I felt guilty all day for eating it and I had to walk the hills again.

Turns out, Guilty Leana is an even bigger bitch than Conscious Leana.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

It’s All About Compromise

The only thing that got me out of bed today was the deal I made with myself.

Conscious Leana: Leana…Leana… it’s 6 a.m. time to go to the gym!”

Sleepy Leana: “But my bed is so warm and I’m so tired.”

Conscious Leana: But you need to go to the gym. Remember the bridesmaid’s dress?”

Sleepy Leana: “Fuck the dress; I’ll wear a sweater to cover my arms.

Conscious Leana: “Oh yeah, that will look real good. And a sweater in Iowa- in June- is always a good idea”

Sleepy Leana: “But at the gym I’ll have to sweat and not be in bed.”

Conscious Leana: “How about if you get up and go to the gym I’ll buy you a latte and chocolate chunk muffin from the Coffee Bean on the way to work?”

Sleepy Leana: “Did you say chocolate chunk muffin? Hmmm…let me rest my eyes and think about it.”

Conscious Leana: “No, this offer is only good for the next 30 seconds.”

Sleepy Leana: “Gawd you’re a bitch. No wonder nobody likes you.”

Conscious Leana: “People like me. Why did you say that?”

Sleepy Leana: “Oh nothing, never mind. I’ll get up.”

Conscious Leana: “Seriously, did you hear something?”

Sleepy Leana: “No, never mind, forget I said anything. You’re so sensitive and needy.”

Conscious Leana: “Oh yeah…well you have fat arms!”

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Allow myself to introduce... myself!

I was perusing the television this evening and came across the first Austin Powers film. Did you know that movie is ten freakin’ years old? How is that even possible? It seems like just yesterday I heard a guy at the grocery store ask some random woman “Do I make you horny baby?” Oh wait, that was yesterday.

But seriously, ten years? On paper that was so long ago.

  • I was in college.
  • I had brown hair.
  • I only had one credit card.
  • I felt fat in my size 10 Levis.
  • I could stay up ‘til 3 in the morning and still make it to my 8 a.m. journalism law class.
  • I could come back from my journalism law class and nap ‘til my 2 p.m. psych class- or just get the notes from one of the girls in my sorority.
  • I could fit all my worldly possessions into the back of my 88’ Chevy Nova.

False Advertising?

This is not what I pictured when I decided to order from Carpet Wagon.

It's not a wagon!

But my floors turned out great. I now officially have a fully-functional babe lair™.

Are You a Betting Man?

As part of the "Leana Beautification Program," initiated so that I can glide effortlessly down the isle in June at Meg's wedding instead of tromp like a hippo in a tutu, I ate brie for lunch.

It's going to be a long couple of months.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Going to have to do some serious push-ups

For your consideration, my bridesmaid dress....

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Signal Hell

That’s what they should call Signal Hill, the winding, steep and ridiculous area my Team in Training group and I walked this morning. So glad I got out of bed.

It's Too Early

I just want to go back to bed... but I have to train.....

Me so tired.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Vilsack to endorse Clinton for president

Upon hearing this, Hillary Clinton asked, "Who's that?"

Suck it Tom!

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Side Effects May Include Giddiness

I arose from my Bed of Sick (formerly known as “The Place Where Dreams Are Made“) to go to the grocery store. I probably shouldn’t have been driving, but I was out of milk, and though my haze of sickness, the one thing I knew I needed was milk.

I got my milk and saw that Vons had English muffins on sale for a buck. What a deal! I went through the check-out, started walking towards the door then realized I was charged $2.50 for those dollar English muffins.

I walked over to Customer Service and slurred something to the guy behind the counter about how I must have misread the label and that I just wanted to return the $2.50 muffins, go home and pass out. I was not in the mental place to argue or raise a fuss, as I usually would have. Any other day and I probably would have made the guy follow me back to the English muffin aisle and shown him the sign that said “English muffins for a buck.”

But instead of giving me a refund, Customer Service guy was all “I’ll give you the difference,” and he handed me a buck-fiddy. I was shocked. I had never had such a breezy exchange with a customer service person in-my-life.

It was so magical, I’m starting to wonder if it even really happened. Perhaps it was a result of my mixing Tylenol Cold and Flu with Gatorade.

But if it was a dream, where did that $1.50 come from??? Where?

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

The Carpet Doesn’t Match the Drapes

I had Brian from Carpet Wagon come out last night to give me a free, in-home estimate for carpet for my bachelorette pad. He came with about 100 books of carpet and more knowledge about remnants than any male should have.

I spent about half an hour going through books and putting the samples next to my newly painted walls. I would walk towards them from different directions and move the lighting around. I’d think, “How will this look in natural light?” “How will this look with all the lamps on?” “How will this look when I come stumbling in drunk at 3 am?”

I finally settled on one and then the fun part began…haggling! I’ve learned from the best on how to get people down on price.

The first I learned from one of my company’s top sales guys- it’s called the “Suck It.” That’s where the guy gives you the price and you suck in your breath like you were just punched in the gut.

The second I learned from my mom- it’s called “I B Poor.” I just told the dude I hadn’t planned on spending over a certain amount ‘cause I have student loans, medical bills and a bastard of an ex-husband who gets spousal support.

The final one I learned from my dad- it’s called “Take it or Leave it.” I looked down at the paint and cat stained carpet and said “you know, this carpet can probably last me a few more years.”

The guy brought the price down nearly $400. Not too shabby.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

I Just Wrote... to Say....

I love my boyfriend.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner

I advanced to the quarter-finales of California's Funniest Female Contest. WEEEEEEEEE

It’s a Painting Party

So majority ruled. I hired a dude I found on Craig’s List to paint my living room (no that‘s not a euphemism). I made sure friends and family had all his pertinent info in case I “disappeared.”

He wasn’t a perv, or a creep, but he was semi incompetent. For the most part the place looks hella-awesome, but my ‘accent wall’ which is supposed to be a dark, dark, purple really looks more like pink swirl. He kept putting more and more coats over the mess.

He offered to come back tomorrow to fix the gooey mess. I told him I would try my hand at painting and if all else failed, I’d give him a call. And then I told him if I didn’t have a problem, I’d mail him a check for the other half of the money for the job. Zing.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

If I'm Murdered...

...you should point a finger at the guy I'm having come over to paint my living room tomorrow morning. Sure he has a British accent, but so did Hannibal Lecter.

And avenge my death!!!

Leana Got a Gig

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Come celebrate at Martini Blues, where I'll be performing in the preliminary round of California's Funniest Female Competition. Let's see if I can get past the first round!

Friday, March 16, 2007

I Jumped the Shark

Well, it only took 31 years, but I finally crossed the great divide between youth and adulthood. I didn’t feel it when I graduated college, when I first started contributing to my 401K or even when I bought my condo. But I felt it today. I yelled at some kids for playing.

I was walking out of my apartment to my car and there were some youths playing around the laundry room. A couple of the girls had locked themselves inside and wouldn’t allow the boy in. The boy turned to me and said “Ma’am, can you unlock the door?”

I think it was the fact that he called me ma’am that set me off. Or perhaps it was the thought of one of them breaking a washer or slipping and falling; or worse, one of them putting another in the dryer and setting it on high. Which would be totally awful, but kind of cool.

So instead of ignoring the kids or even unlocking the door I shook my head and say “no, you kids need to get out of there, that’s not a place to play.”

And they listened. They all walked out and I locked the door so they couldn’t get back in.

To wrap up: I’m officially old and it’s been confirmed by children who actually mind me. Part of me is severely depressed, but the other part of me feels extremely empowered.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Look Who's Talking

My ex-boyfriend drunk-dialed me the other night. I thought only girls did that.

FYI: Not a way to win back my heart. But a great way to make it back into my stand up routine!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007


a.k.a…What Would Christina Ricci Do?

I have to believe, if I were to wake up, ¾ naked, chained to a radiator in the shack of a large, black man that I would really have to do some serious soul searching.

I’d wonder where exactly I took that wrong turn- when that little voice in the back of my head stopped
muttering- when I completely decided to disregard my health, safety and moral compass- how I was going to get to a computer to blog about this.


Do I paint my apartment or do I pay someone to do it for me?

Here are a couple thoughts I put together, but if you have an opinion, please feel free to share.

It will cost me at least $300 to hire someone, not including paint and supplies. There’s something ingrained in me that makes it hard to justify spending money for something that I could, at least in theory, do myself. It’s not like hiring someone to wire my electricity The only skill it requires is being able to hold a brush, I guess.

How do I know the guy I hire won’t come in, charge too much and do a half-assed job? And how do I know he won’t paint, get paid and come back the next night and chop me into little, bit-sized pieces?

But I hate painting. It’s messy and smelly and not fun. I have to put on a coat of primer before I even start, doubling the time I have to spend painting, which I hate. And how much is my time really worth? I have to believe it’s at least $300 plus the cost of paint and supplies.

And I hate asking friends to come help. People are busy. And if they come over to help and do a half assed job I can’t really complain. They’re doing it for free.

What do you think?

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Come See Me Do Comedy!

Tonight: March 13, 2007
7:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.

Rico Coffee
2320-A Foothill Blvd.
(Next to Vons in the LaVerne Town Center)
LaVerne, CA 91750
(909) 392-1999

Hosted by:
Chris Kostolefsky

Bone Hampton
Ted Mac
Leana Benson
Clint Rothell
Dave Sievers
Grace Fraga
Celeste Davis
Steven Halbert
David Shendlinger

And Other Special Guests

Map it!

Monday, March 12, 2007

This is More Like it!

I look like Sally Field!!!. At least this one is all girls.

I Look Like WHO????

Go to this website to see who you look like.. I think it's funny that I look both like Jack Osbourne and Tony Braxton. Who the hell is Nana Mouskouri?

Leana’s Weekend Wrap Up

This past weekend officially lasted until 8 a.m. this morning when I forced myself out of bed. I waited as long as physically possible to get up, I didn’t want the weekend to end that much. Here’s my wrap up of the weekend that was…

Walked 8 miles. What was I thinking signing up for a marathon? It’s not that I had trouble walking it, but it was so freakin’ boring. It was four miles down the beach at Bolsa Chica and back. The walk down was fine, but turning around and having to do the same walk back bored me to tears. I just keep reminding myself that on race day, I won’t be walking in a straight line back and forth.

Colored my hair. Yes, it’s true, I’m not a real red head.

Returned a bunch of crap to Target. I’m paring down before the big, condo redesign.

Hung out with Boyfriend. Gawd, he’s the most awesome person ever.

Turned over the cat. Yes, my time with Miss Willow came to an end. Cousin Julie came by to pick her up and now she is nothing but a furry memory. When I get a little melancholy, I need only look under the bed at all the hair she left or stare at the holes in the carpet by the door where she tried digging for China and I remember. I remember that I don’t ever want a cat.

Talked to my grandmother. I try to call at least once every two weeks. She asked me if I wanted the wedding quilt she made ages ago for all the grand kids. She’s already been able to pass them along to my brother and cousin Brandi at their weddings, but she hasn’t been able to get me mine…you know, since I’m not MARRIED AND 31 AND DID YOU KNOW THAT BY THE TIME SHE WAS MY AGE SHE HAD ALREADY HAD THREE BABIES AND SHE AND GRANDPA AREN’T GETTING ANY YOUNGER AND SHE’D REALLY LIKE TO SEE ME SETTLE DOWN. Seriously, it turned from a pleasant phone call to a full-on, all expenses paid guilt trip in 2.5 seconds.

Pulled out the summer clothes. It was 90 degrees on Sunday. It’s March. Global Warming in action.

Pre-ordered the final Harry Potter book. I am too old (see above) to wait in line and I don’t want to worry about it being sold out that weekend. And I don’t care if it’s 1,000 pages, I’ll have it done by the end of the weekend. Guaranteed.

Went to the movies. Saw Black Snake Moan. Wow, disappointing, yet unintentionally hilarious. And boy does my laugh carry in a theatre that only contains 7 people.

Hung out with Boyfriend again. Two nights in a row! Did I mention he’s awesome? He’s the reason I had to force myself out of bed at 8 this morning. Everyone should be so lucky as to have an Ethan in their life. I am.

Friday, March 09, 2007

Adoring Fans

Frustrated Rant Alert! Beware.

Each and every time I send out an e-mail, or post up a flyer for a show I’m in, I get one of two questions, “Why don’t you ever have a show on (fill in the day that’s not the day of the show I’m hustling) night?” Or, “Why don’t you ever do shows (insert location near their home)?”

It’s not that I’m intentionally NOT doing a show when they are available or near where they live, it’s just that I don’t have access to their BlackBerry, social calendar or home address. Oh, and also, I don’t give a shit!

These are the same people who wouldn’t even get off their living room sofa if I were to set up my mike and amp in their kitchen. These will also be the people who won’t bother to pick up the remote when I’m on Letterman, or Comedy Central or Court TV!

I’d rather they just say “Awe, I can’t make it that night, but please let me know when you have another show.” Or even just lie to me “I’m not allowed in establishments that server alcohol” Or how about just say nothing at all. Yeah, that works.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Jolly Time My Ass

Today I was the asshole in the office who burned a bag of popcorn in the microwave. Luckily I'm also the jerk in the office who usually mocks the asshole in the office who burns the bag of popcorn in the microwave. So I didn't get much grief for it.

It's not completely my fault though. The $12 microwave we have in the kitchen is completely unintuitive. There's no easy way to punch in the time you want and turn it on. There's even a very specific series of numbers that must be punched to even get the fuckin' door to open.

And the stupid button that is already pre-set for popcorn apparently thinks that it only take 36 seconds to pop an entire bag of popcorn.

I also believe there was something defective about my bag of popcorn. It was still popping quite a bit when the smoke started billowing out.

But it really didn't taste all that bad. So happy ending.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Cingular Means One, Right?

Oh wait, that's singular with an S....I'm going to file this story under, "Glad it's not me."

Lazy Public Servants

I had not one, not two, but THREE sets of junk mail in my mailbox today. While having three sets of Arby's coupons is almost an embarrassment of riches, the three Penny Savers and three pounds of ads for Albertson's, Ralph's and Von's was almost too much for one receptacle to handle.

And I know it wasn't an accident, 'cause the dude (or dude-ette, I have a
day job and never see the mailPERSON) crammed two sets in, then one more set in behind it. Opening the mail today was like opening a can of peanuts from that jackass in your office who thinks the ol' spring-loaded snakes-in-a-can toy is still funny. FYI it's not.

The people I really feel sorry for are the ones who didn't get their junk mail today. They had to open their mailboxes and stare at boring old bills and letters from credit card companies offering great deals on balance transfers 'til May of 09!

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Reason #46,729 Why My Boyfriend is AWESOME

For our 3 month anniversary...

I brought them into the office to make everyone jealous.

It's a Sunshine Day!

Holy crap it’s nice outside! I just strolled to the 7/11 to enjoy a lovely Big Gulp and take in the sunshine.

I think everyone should!

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Leana’s Weekend Wrap Up

Walked 6 miles for my Team in Training training. Next week is 8. I feel like Rocky. If Rocky were training to walk in a marathon that is.

Broke down and ordered Internet access. Perhaps it was my conscious catching up with me, or just the fact that it’s a pain to not have anyone to call and complain to when you can’t access your neighbor’s wi-fi.

Met Boyfriend’s son. Nobody got bit and we all had a good time. All that worrying for nothing.

Saw Calista Flockhart at the LA Zoo, roaming freely.

Learned that it takes the entire length of Guns-n-Roses’s Sweet Child of Mine to get from the parking lot of my gym to the front of my apartment complex.

Discovered I’m going to have to put a coat of primer down before I can even start painting my bachelorette pad. This whole redecorating project is already turning into more trouble than it’s worth. Anyone know a good, cheap painter?

Friday, March 02, 2007

Notes from a Coffee Shop

I’ve been trying, without success, for three hours to get online at home. It’s so sad when you can’t count on stolen wi-fi to check your e-mail. It’s difficult calling tech support when you don’t have an account. And I can’t figure out why I can’t get online. The little wi-fi pop-up balloon says “signal strength excellent” yet nothing’s doing when I try to access my e-mail or even look for porn. And before you ask- it’s with both Explorer and everyone’s beloved Firefox.

So here I am, at the It’s a Grind on Atlantic. Apparently the wi-fi signal is so strong here, people can actually sit in their cars on the other side of the parking lot and access it. I wish I had known that before I laid down $3.35 for a mocha. Lesson learned. Although the bigger lesson might be that I should actually stop stealing wi-fi from my neighbors and pony up the twenty-something bucks a month extra to have my own Internet access.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Thank's Steve Jones!

As I said before, I'm going to give a shout-out to each person who donates to my upcoming Leukemia and Lymphoma Society walk, so here we go!

Within 10 minutes of my first e-mail blast, Steve G. Jones responded with a donation.

I met Steve was back in the day. I believe we met at a Learning Annex class on How to Be a Warm Up Comic. We exchanged contact info and stayed in touch and actually met up to do a couple painful open mikes together.

Besides doing stand up, Steve does hypnosis. He actually hypnotized me in hopes of riding me of my problems with procrastination. He’s got a great practice going and I highly recommend him to anyone. Buy a CD of 10.

Thanks Steve. You Rule!

Enter Sandman

Cousin Julie could not be coming back from India a day sooner. Miss Willow Cat is quickly wearing out her welcome. I partly believe she knows that Cousin Julie is returning and she’s having a hard time containing her excitement. That’s why she’s been running around the apartment, at 2 in the morning, knocking shit over and jumping from dresser to bed to bookcase.

The other part of me believes that she’s just a butt hole who likes fuckin’ with my sleep patterns.