Leana's Comedy Blog Etc...

The continuing saga of a single, burgeoning stand-up comedienne/wanna-be poker ingénue/bitter corporate drone/closet hermit/hapless homeowner…living in L.A.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

You Can Never Go Snow Again

So when I was younger, one of the toys I always wanted was the Snoopy Snow Cone machine. Even the fact that I had never been a fan of those sno cones they sold at Casey's General Store or slushy's at 7-11 didn't slow my obsession.

And I'm not quite sure why I never got one. It wasn't like wanting the Easy Bake Oven and my mom saying "I let you use the real stove, why do you need a box with a bulb on it to cook a brownie?" I rightly don't remember. I may have never mentioned to any adult that I wanted one. Like never telling anyone I wanted a hug. Awwww.

I did, however, mention it to the Future Mr. Leana Benson. So when we were killing time at Target yesterday we saw it on an end-cap and he picked it up for me. I squealed like a 9 year-old in front of a Hanna Montana poster at Ticket Master.

We got it home and I went straight to work. I pictured making us booth tall glasses of sno-cones using the freezer-full of ice cubes.

A couple things people should know about the Snoopy Sno Cone machine-

  1. It doesn't have any mechanical parts. It doesn't take batteries. You have to attach a plastic handle to a cheese-grater like metal cylinder inside the poorly constructed, plastic Snoopy dog house and use your own Scooby Power.
  2. 2) Turns out, ice doesn't like to be shaved off with a cheese-grater like metal cylinder. It took me about 20 minute to shave one ice cube. Of course it was simultaneously melting, so I ended up with a glass with a dollop of water in it.
  3. The 'flavoring' packet is just an envelope full of kool-aid. Instead of adding a gallon of water to a cup of sugar and adding the flavoring, you add the flavoring and sugar to 1/2 a cup of water to create a super-evil concentrate of sugary goodness.
Ethan took over trying to use brute strength to make the machine give me shaved ice. He got me about two teaspoons of shavings.

I ended up just adding the flavoring to a glass full of ice and a straw and called it a day.

I'm sure I would have been just as disappointed as a child.

I'm glad it only cost Ethan $10.

Sunday, April 06, 2008

Christopher Walken really phoned it in on SNL last night

That is all.

Saturday, April 05, 2008

I've Been Tagged

I've been tagged by Wilson, aka Amy, aka Mrs. Knoll, aka Prego!

I'm supposed to tell you 10 random things about myself, and then tag 5 friends afterwards. I'll be anxious to see how many of you knew these things about me, or if they're all a surprise.

  1. I'm a notary public.
  2. My go-to karaoke song is The Gambler (see below)
  3. I wear glasses but not because I have poor eyesight. I actually have almost 20/20 vision. I just have a heinous astigmatism. My optometrist said that he's never seen anything like it. Apparently it's a problem only 1 in 2 million people have.
  4. I read the Sunday paper in this order- The Comics, Parade then the ads-including the coupons. Then I throw the paper away. And usually I had stolen the paper from my neighbor.
  5. I love the new iced coffees from McDonalds. The hazelnut is to-die for.
  6. I lost my digital camera in Las Vegas this week. (not on a card game, I think it just fell out of my bag.)
  7. My first date was to the movies to see A Nightmare on Elm Street 3.
  8. I use a pre-mouth wash before I brush my teeth.
  9. I own over 15 pairs of track pants.
  10. My favorite TV show is House Hunters.