Leana's Comedy Blog Etc...

The continuing saga of a single, burgeoning stand-up comedienne/wanna-be poker ingénue/bitter corporate drone/closet hermit/hapless homeowner…living in L.A.

Saturday, December 31, 2005

The First Prediction of the New Year

I was listening to Art Bell on my way home from my gig last night. (Don’t judge me, it was either him or Two Chicks and a Bunny.) Art was going over New Year’s predictions. Most of them included aliens and terrorist attacks, but one guy called in and claimed that in 2006 the Antichrist will be revealed. And it will be…..

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I shit you not. This guy thinks that Bono is the Antichrist.

It’s going to be an interesting year.

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

What Are You Doing Friday Night?

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Tuesday, December 27, 2005


Over the Christmas weekend my dear friend Stanley Ottenstein died.

was one of the greatest guys I’d ever met. He had the most acerbic, sarcastic sense of humor that was lost on the slow-witted but left the rest of us shaking our heads. He was always quick with a pun so lame that the room would collectively groan. Stanley's back-handed comments would often 'cause us to pause to consider if he was being serious or not. Usually he was not.

He was constantly trying to encourage me to pursue my stand up and work towards my goals. He wanted the best for me and often chastised me for not doing more with my talent.

I hadn't really talked to Stanley since moving to Long Beach. It’s sad that moving just half an hour away can completely cut people off from one another. Of course I’m beating myself up over not staying in touch with him, but I just wish I had; even just sending an e-mail to see how he was doing and that I was thinking of him.

I don’t really have much else to say. I just hope that Stanley is in a better place, that he’s happy and at peace.

I’ll miss you Stanley.

Monday, December 26, 2005

The Line Forms Here

My concerns about going to the After Christmas sales today were relieved as soon as I pulled into the parking lot at the Lakewood Mall (shout out LBC!!!) at 7 a.m. and easily found a parking spot.

There weren’t any lines, crowds, pushing or screaming. It seemed like it could have been any Saturday morning at the mall. It was actually pretty disappointing.

And so were the sales. LAME!!! I didn’t even find a perfume or cosmetic gift sets to buy myself at half off. The best deal I got was the sub and chip combo at Subway.

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Merry Christmas!

I'm glad I was a bad girl this year. I don't want to see this coming down my chimney.


The boyfriend and I exchanged Christmas gifts early. Like yesterday early. But the way I figure it, we’re adults now, so we can open gifts whenever we want! We don’t need to wait ‘til Christmas Day! So there!

I didn’t make his job easy, but Travis was able to get me some really thoughtful gifts. He gave me a really pretty silver necklace (‘cause he knows I hate gold) an Achewood T-shirt and The Simpson’s Clue game.

I got him the Second Season of Arrested Development on DVD, a Washington National’s baseball cap and a bunch of that Old Spice bodywash ‘cause that stuff smells awesome (so it was really a gift for me.)

The next round of gift opening will take place Christmas Day at Aunt Linda’s. I’m getting my unwrapping hands ready, although I think I gave my cousins even less idea about what I wanted for the holiday. Stay tuned.

Monday, December 12, 2005

Reach Out and Mail Someone

So if you think I’m bad at updating my blog, I’m even WORSE at keeping track of physical addresses for my friends and family. I have phone numbers and e-mail addresses, but not many physical addresses. It’s making the process of sending out Christmas cards a real bitch!

So if you are a friend or family member, (or just a reader of my blog) send me your physical address and I’ll send you a holiday card. No, for reals, I will! Send it to leana@leanabenson.com.


Saturday, December 10, 2005

No Leana, This Doesn't Count as a Blog Entry