Suck It Charter
I get on the horn (aka phone) to Charter. I quickly find out the problem. Apparently for the last 2 years I was getting the channel feeds for extended basic, while paying only for regular basic. But the swift minds at Charger finally figured it out and quickly put a stop to that nonsense.
Now if I want to get those channels back I have to pay an extra $30 a month. I had just been wondering what I could spend the extra $20 I have left from each paycheck on. That answers that.
So I looked into getting Dish or Direct TV, but neither have the Internet access I need to keep up with my porn watching. I’d have to get DSL which would require I have a land line which would cost me at least another $20 (suck it too Verizon), thus the cost would be about the same.
I’m actually wondering if I should even bother getting the extended basic. I mean it’s only contributing to my delinquency. And when the fall television series starts I can actually venture down to the single digit stations again.
Maybe I’ll start reading more. Or I can take up a hobby like knitting or meth making for fun and profit.