Thanksgiving Wrap Up
Three posts in one day, I think this may be an all-time record for me. Before I stick a fork in this long weekend I thought I’d do a quick wrap-up of all I was thankful for this weekend. In no particular order:
My family- the ‘rents and grand ‘rents and Aunt Carol in general, my Aunt Linda and my cousins Stephanie and Julie in particular. They had me over Thanksgiving Day for a 6-hour eating fest. They were also there to bear witness to my three-Yatzees in ONE game. That has to be a world record. (Note to self, look that up)
My job- I may complain about it, but it’s afforded me a roof over my head, a well-running car, health insurance and people I consider great friends. Plus they are very supportive about my stand-up career, where a lot of employers would not.
My health- This goes back to having the health insurance, which allows me to verify the thankfulness. According to my last physical I do not have diabetes, just tight shoes and I don’t have mono I’m just bored.
My friends-Those I talk to everyday and those I only get to speak with occasionally, but I know I can count on them in a pinch.
My boyfriend- he puts up with me when I turn into a complete girl, which isn’t as often as it used to be, but just enough to be dangerous to someone with less patience.
My sense of humor- Some people never develop one and that is sad. Mine is going to make me famous, or at least make me fun at parties.