Leana's Comedy Blog Etc...

The continuing saga of a single, burgeoning stand-up comedienne/wanna-be poker ingénue/bitter corporate drone/closet hermit/hapless homeowner…living in L.A.

Monday, November 22, 2004

The Beginning of the 7 Day Holiday Sucktacular!

The headline is totally misleading but I liked it so I’m using it.

I’m writing from work. The ultimate no-no. Of course it’s during my lunch hour so I guess technically I’m not breaching the 36,329 page code of conduct contract I signed, but it still somehow seems wrong.

Oh well, I’m over it now! I’m quite excited for the long weekend. Mentally I will probably start my vacation Wednesday afternoon, although I will physically be in the office. I often take a mental holiday once or twice a month, usually on a Friday but not exclusively on a Friday for sure. Whenever I take them it’s because I truly need them.

I usually pick a project at work that requires absolutely no brain power- something a chimp or an intern could do. Then I put on my headphones, crank up 640 AM, continuous talk radio and go to my special vacation spot in my head. The location changes but usually it involves some sort of alcohol based drink and John Cusack (Say Anything John Cusack, not Being John Malkovich John Cusack, ick) although recently it’s been Brad Pitt, but he only wants to talk about the AIDS epidemic in South Africa so I usually tune him out. MEN!

I hope to take a real vacation this weekend if I can convince my friend-boy to take me away. HINT, HINT. Got my bags packed, HINT, HINT…already canceled the newspaper HINT, HINT… rented out my place for the weekend to some left over Billy Graham followers HINT, HINT.

Party's over, back to work!


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