Leana's Comedy Blog Etc...

The continuing saga of a single, burgeoning stand-up comedienne/wanna-be poker ingénue/bitter corporate drone/closet hermit/hapless homeowner…living in L.A.

Saturday, November 20, 2004

Know When To Fold 'Em

It’s not even 9 AM and I have already managed to lose $6,540 playing poker. Boy would I sure be screwed if I were playing for real money! I am starting to think that online poker is going to end up hurting my game in the long run. People don’t play the same online for fake money as they would at a real casino with real money.

I suppose I could play online for real money, but I hate having to deal with the service charges and bullcrap that goes along with transferring money from my checking account or a credit card. Plus I’m terribly low on money right now. I’ve had to revamp my entire budget, as I lost most of my savings due to a serious lapse in judgment (live and learn as I’m told. Shout out to Mr. I-Told-You-So Walter WHAT’S UP???? )

So I’m stuck playing online for fake money. And it’s pretty much just the luck of the draw in these games. No skill, no bluffing, no reading the other person. The punks in fake no-limit games will raise $500 with a 2-4 off suite. So each hand you end up calling $500 before you even see the freakin’ flop. It’s maddening. But if you run out of fake money you can just go to the fake bank and get more fake money, that never runs out. I wish real banks worked like that.


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