I’m back from the marathon. Here’s the short of it. The long of it, I’ll write when I have more time to reflect and when the pain in my feet is long gone. Right now, I’m too exhausted to think.
I finished the Rock-n-Roll Marathon in my own personal best time (as it was the first time I walked a marathon I have no other time to compare it to, thus making it my personal best) of 7 hours and 29 minutes. Interesting, it felt like 12 hours and 36 minutes. Hmmm.
I was the 15,717 person to cross the finish line and the 8,027 woman. My pace was 17:08 m/mile.
The brake down is more impressive; I really, really dogged it the last 7 miles. I think I was going it about 19 m/miles towards the end. I got passed by a woman from the “Little Giant School and Community Center for the Blind.” I ended up passing her eventually, but it was a hollow victory.
My stats:
I walked the 10K in 1 hour and 38 minutes
I walked the half in 3 hours and 30 minutes
I was at the 21 mile mark at 5 hours and 54 minutes.
In comparison, the first place finisher did the entire marathon in 2 hours and 9 minutes. He had a 5 minute pace. I’m only guessing, but the guy also has zero percent body fat and runs to forget the pain of his childhood.
More to come….