Leana's Comedy Blog Etc...

The continuing saga of a single, burgeoning stand-up comedienne/wanna-be poker ingénue/bitter corporate drone/closet hermit/hapless homeowner…living in L.A.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

You Might be a Meth Lab

Check out this article from the Boston Globe website.

I think my apartment is a meth lab. Or maybe it's just bored.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The Cheese that goes...whaaaa???

Boy was I surprised to reach into my bag of tasty, tasty vending machine Cheetos and find a giant ball of cheese powder.

I hear finding a giant ball of cheese powder in a bag of Cheetos is like finding a four-leaf clover in a pile of cow poop.

It truly was a magical day.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Single Grain of Sand

Today after our weekly status meeting, my boss took me aside and told me that he appreciated all the work I had been doing. He mentioned the initiative I'd taken while he was busy on other projects, the new brand collateral I'd created for our upcoming tradeshows and how I was advancing the efforts we promised during our company-wide kick off last month in Washington DC.

It really made me think about how important it is for employers to take the time to thank their employees and give them a pat on the back. It's a little thing that takes just a minute, but means a world to the people who hear it.

I really believe I could have lasted another 10 years at my old job if I had, just once, been taken aside and told I was doing a good job. Instead I was told I was either too fat, too thin or dressed like a bum. Oh and there was that one time I was told I was a prostitute.

Allow him to retort

Saturday, February 23, 2008

A glimpse into my Saturday night

Friday, February 22, 2008

Thursday, February 21, 2008

If I'm not going to write a post, I can at least show a funny video!

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Whata you doin'?

I'm sitting at my computer, right before noon on Saturday. I'm trying to type quietly so as to not wake my sleeping fiancée on the sofa about a foot away from me. We've done more this morning than many will do all day. We've already had breakfast out and watched about 5 episodes of House Hunters and gotten a nap in. (A nap in which he is still partaking.)

I've got the movie Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas running quietly in the background. I think that's how the movie was meant to be watched. It's such a fucked-up acid trip that watching it too closely might take any normal thinking person on a painful contact trip. Kind of like watching Val Kilmer in The Doors. I think I am still drunk from watching that movie in 1999.

This weekend is a three-day for me. It's the first President's Day I've gotten off in my entire professional career. Working for a Communist-run software company, they didn't like giving off any holidays unless they had to by the laws that those filthy American pigs shoved down their throats.

And even then they gave us the day off with contempt.

We don't have anything extraordinary planned for the weekend. But when I'm with Ethan, we don't have to do anything extraordinary. Just laying on the sofa watching House Hunters is fun. Especially watching naked. Zing.

I'm pretty sure that's what Lincoln and Washington would be doing this weekend if they were alive and living in Long Beach- especially the naked part.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

News Flash: Blog Updated!

Wow, I'm a bad blog parent.

I realized it (again) while I was perusing the bookmarked blogs I hadn't gotten around to checking up on in weeks. What I noticed was that I found myself saying out loud, "What the hell, they haven't updated their blog in months. How rude."

Hello kettle?

I am completely aware of that fact that I am, too, one of those bloggers.

The main problem I've encountered is that I think of funny things to blog about when I'm AWAY from my computer. I don't bother to write my witticisms down so when I finally get back to my PC I just stare at the screen.

That's probably the reason I haven't written a new joke in about six months.