Leana's Comedy Blog Etc...

The continuing saga of a single, burgeoning stand-up comedienne/wanna-be poker ingénue/bitter corporate drone/closet hermit/hapless homeowner…living in L.A.

Monday, October 03, 2005

White Men are SOOO FUNNY!

I watched the season premiere of Saturday Night Live this week. FINALLY! After thinking the premiere was two weeks ago and then last week, I finally got it right. If only there were a way to keep track of a special dates. Something with numbers that featured both the month and day. I must submit that request to the University of Southern California-Long Beach Think Tank.

So what I got from this episode is that Lorne Michaels really believes that only white guys are funny.

Case in point: the only two new featured players Bill Hader and Andy Samberg. Both white guys! What, you can’t find another minority? Ever thought of hiring an Asian or a Latino on SNL? What about a woman? Afraid she’ll get preggers and have to sit out a couple weeks?

And apparently to be funny you have to have jacked up hair. When is that messy, uncombed look going to finally be over? Hader’s hair looked like a helmet, but it was tons better than the wanna-be fro Samberg was sporting. He looked like Alice from the Dilbert cartoons. But looks aside, I wasn’t that impressed with what I saw. Their “impression-off” on Weekend Update was lame. I mean, at least Hader can do impressions, but the other guy’s “what’s Up” made me want to pull out my .25.

I’ll give them a chance though. It was their first time out. They might get into the swing of things and show me that they are more than the sum of their hair. Then I’ll make my final assessment. I was wrong about Will Forte, I might be wrong about them.

But I’m not wrong about my final point: Horatio Sanz blows! I wish he’d just OD already so they can release his “Best Of” and we can all move along. I don’t think there’s been one sketch I’ve seen him in where he doesn’t break character by cracking himself up. And put him and Jimmy Fallon in a scene and it’s all over. Sanz was awful replacing Tina Fey in Weekend Update. I’m sure it was a clever turn on her part thought; making sure she’d have her chair waiting for her when she gets back. There’s no chance of Horatio replacing her.

So I guess if girls can’t be funny on SNL, they can at least be smart!


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