Leana's Comedy Blog Etc...

The continuing saga of a single, burgeoning stand-up comedienne/wanna-be poker ingénue/bitter corporate drone/closet hermit/hapless homeowner…living in L.A.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Almost Famous

Iowa State University’s Alumni Association Spring Magazine did a piece on yours truly! It actually turned out pretty well. I was worried ‘cause the day I was interviewed I was pretty low on the energy scale (aka stinkin’ drunk) and I think I probably should have rescheduled anyway. The reporter was somehow able to find something good out of my ramblings and made me sound pretty cool!

Now all Iowa State University alumni (who subscribe that is) know I'm famous. Now, the rest of the wooooorrrllld!!!!!!!!


  • At 9:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    You ARE Famous!! I saw the article and about fell out of my chair - I am so proud to say I know someone that was featured!! I love the quote "Leana Benson got her sense of humor in Iowa. She's just perfecting it in California"

    Best of luck with your comedy career - will you be touring in the midwest anytime soon? :)


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