Leana's Comedy Blog Etc...

The continuing saga of a single, burgeoning stand-up comedienne/wanna-be poker ingénue/bitter corporate drone/closet hermit/hapless homeowner…living in L.A.

Saturday, February 12, 2005

Moment(s) of Zen

This weekend really reminded me why I’m pursuing stand up comedy. I had gigs booked both last night and tonight and as usual I was less than excited.

I go through this stupid ritual every time I have a gig. When I first book it I’m all excited, but when the day approaches I start dreading it; I get nervous and sick to my stomach. Then I get there, get up on stage and love it. I want to go up again and again. I leave with a renewed confidence in my abilities. ‘Cause even if my set wasn’t 100%, I know that it’s another lesson learned that will make me that much better.

Both my gigs were PHENOMINAL. Probably two of the best sets I’ve ever performed. I think something has just started to click with my performance. I’m more comfortable on stage than ever before. I’m able to trust my improv skills and ability to work with an audience and I’m really getting better at reading them. If they aren’t digging my bits about boyfriends, I can turn it around to talk about my family or porn, or family porn. I have more faith in my abilities to go up on stage with only a vague idea of what I’m going to talk about, instead of having to have my entire set typed out, single spaced.

Of course it also helps when the audience is with you. Both crowds were there to see comedy. Unlike some of the bars and coffee shops I’ve played where people come to watch the game or talk to friends, these people wanted to laugh-that’s half the battle.

I had a comedian I haven’t seen in more than a year come up to me after the show and comment on how much I’ve grown since he last saw me. It was really gratifying to hear that I’m doing the things I need to do to make it to the next step. Maybe, just maybe I’ll be able to go somewhere with this comedy thing!


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