Leana's Comedy Blog Etc...

The continuing saga of a single, burgeoning stand-up comedienne/wanna-be poker ingénue/bitter corporate drone/closet hermit/hapless homeowner…living in L.A.

Monday, July 04, 2005

Now Viewing: Chariots of Fire

I signed up for a 5K walk next weekend. My company was paying the entry fee and I knew there was a free tee-shirt involved so…of course…how could I say no?

So this morning I went to the gym and decided to figure out how long it would actually take me to walk 3.1 miles. What I found out: a HELL OF A LONG TIME!!! I was going about 3.5 mph the entire time and it took me 55 minutes. That figures out to be about 18 minute miles. But I know I’m not going to be able to keep up the 3.5 mph pace the entire time, and anyway, I’m walking with a girl from the office who chain smokes. At least I hope she’s not in better shape than me. I don’t want to get lapped by a person with a pack of Marlboros rolled up in her shirt sleeve.

The goal the rest of the week; get my time down. I have a whole week. I figure I’ll be doing 9 minute miles by the end of the week.

Yes, and I’ll be doing it in spandex and high heel sneakers!


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