Leana's Comedy Blog Etc...

The continuing saga of a single, burgeoning stand-up comedienne/wanna-be poker ingénue/bitter corporate drone/closet hermit/hapless homeowner…living in L.A.

Saturday, June 25, 2005

I’m So Screwed

To celebrate the end of the work week I took a run for the boarder. can’t remember the last time I was at Taco Bell, but it was well before my decision to cut off any contact with restaurants with drive thru windows. Not that there is anything wrong with the restaurants, except for the fact that it means I spend too much money and get too many empty calories.

But I wanted to try the new Crunchwrap Supreme. Despite the utterly retarded commercial featuring some dumb-ass guy at an electronics tradeshow repeating the stupid “it’s good to go” line, I was intrigued. It seemed like it was a Mexican pizza, but with a hard shell wrapped inside a soft shell al la the Supreme Taco; but it was completely self contained. There were no edges. The taco had wrapped itself in a tasty, flat cocoon of beef, tomatoes, cheese, lettuce and sour cream. I could eat it and drive! I could eat it and run on the treadmill! I could eat it and sit on the sofa watching reruns of Malcolm in the Middle on Friday night and cry, alone and unloved!

So I tried it. And it was awesome. Nothing good can happen from this discovery. I just need to break the habit quickly, otherwise people are going to start calling me Leana Supreme, and that won’t be good. Less you think I’m the only one talking about Crunchwraps on blogs, check out this site.

My only consolation is that I believe the Crunchwrap Supreme is only going to be around for a limited time. I just need to avoid if for the next 6 months to 3 years. That shouldn’t be a problem. Shouldn’t be a problem, not thinking about the Crunchwrap Supreme….not going to put on my shoes and drive to the 24-hour taco bell on Del Amo….not going……


  • At 12:16 PM, Blogger SeriouslyNoWay said…

    I can't decide if this looks "oh so very tasty" or "kinda icky". I'm tempted to just go with "kinda icky" in the hopes I won't get addicted to yet another item at Taco Hell.

  • At 9:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    An eloquent, evocative post that captures the true love-hate relationship between a Crunchwrap addict and those geniuses at the Taco Bell corporation.

    I hope you liked my review. It was sort of playfully arrogant because I never imagined anyone would be reading it, but all the traffic through my site has been a nice way to say 'hi' to other bloggers. Keep up the good work here, it looks nice.


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