Leana's Comedy Blog Etc...

The continuing saga of a single, burgeoning stand-up comedienne/wanna-be poker ingénue/bitter corporate drone/closet hermit/hapless homeowner…living in L.A.

Sunday, June 05, 2005

Can I Get a Hell Ya'???

Ever heard of Revenge Comedy? Most likely not, as I just invented it.

Most of the time when someone does something shitty to you, you can’t do much about it. You know, if someone cuts you off on the freeway, or a co-worker steals your diet Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper out of the fridge at work, or if some Skeezy Skank Hole™ owes you $20 but won’t pay you back ‘cause she’s a fat bag of shit, you end up just sucking it up to a lesson learned. I usually find those lessons a bunch of shit and I hate having to leave it to karma to exact its own revenge against Asshat Driver, Klepto Co-worker and Lice-Ridden Ho bag.

But then I realized… I have comedy. I can use comedy to exact my revenge over everyone who has ever done me wrong. Sure I might change a name or exaggerate a story for comedic effect, but those people will know who I’m talking about, oh yes…they will.

Ok, so it’s not better than tracking down those people and smacking them upside the head with the butt of my gun, but I’m pretty sure revenge comedy won’t get me 20 to life.


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