Leana's Comedy Blog Etc...

The continuing saga of a single, burgeoning stand-up comedienne/wanna-be poker ingénue/bitter corporate drone/closet hermit/hapless homeowner…living in L.A.

Monday, December 13, 2004

Just Another Manic Monday

This was the first Monday in recent memory that hasn’t totally sucked the big one. I have learned in the last four years in my current job to just “deal” with the utter crappiness of Mondays. I come in late and don’t make any plans for the evening, because invariably, something will go horribly wrong and I’ll either be painfully late, or miss the event completely.

The reseller newsletter is like an abusive boyfriend to me. Every week I hope it will be different. “This week we’ll get it out at a decent hour.” “This time Dennis will get me the text before it gets dark” “This time the HTML won’t take 2 hours to layout.” But every week I’m hit with another, different issue that requires even more attention. You’d think after four years I’d have some kind of routine down, but there are too many variables involved. Too many to even go into on this blog. I will save it for my super secret rant blog, where I can name-names (SkeezySkankHole™) and cuss.

Not that I can’t cuss here, but I chose not to damn it!

But this week everything went terribly smooth. I was in my car by 7 p.m., which I have to tell you is so freakin’ early. Yeah I did, I said freakin’.

Of course this brings with it all sorts of worries. I usually dread Tuesday morning as I brace myself for e-mails, phone calls, faxes and burning crosses saying something was inaccurate or just plain wrong in the newsletter. And getting the newsletter out early makes me even more worried…perhaps I sent it out to quickly, perhaps I should have given it a final edit..perhaps I should have just waited ‘til 8 p.m. to not test the fates.

And why haven’t I gotten it in my outside e-mail account? I’m supposed to get it in my outside account, to make sure it goes out. Oh just perfect. That’s all I need. Maybe nobody got it.

Maybe this wasn’t that great of a Monday.


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