Leana's Comedy Blog Etc...

The continuing saga of a single, burgeoning stand-up comedienne/wanna-be poker ingénue/bitter corporate drone/closet hermit/hapless homeowner…living in L.A.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Thanks for the Memories

I really enjoy strolling down Memory Lane, especially with my cousins. I was chatting with my cousin Stephanie and we got to talking about the pets we had as children, specifically her wiener dog Bambi and Bambi’s puppy Sugar. The only thing I remembered about either dog was Sugar, a morbidly obese wiener dog/rotweiller/doverman mix, breaking one of her little legs trying to climb over a chainlink fence.

We got to talking about the parentage of Sugar. As far as Stephanie and I can remember, nobody knows how Bambi became ‘with puppies’ but the results was some strange looking dog. Stephanie promised to broach the subject with her mother. I hope it’s some kind of face-to face that starts with “I need you to tell me the truth!”

I bet Cousin Julie knows the story. Her memory is a bit better than ours. And Bambi was her dog. I’m not pointing fingers, but if Julie had spent less time playing hopscotch and skipping rope, and spent more time watching her dog, perhaps Bambi never would have had a morbidly obese wiener dog Frankenstein.


  • At 6:24 PM, Blogger SeriouslyNoWay said…

    Bambi was actually mostly Chihuahua. I don't think there was any weiner dog in her. I think the weiner dog thing comes because when those chihuahua mixes get fat their bellies overpower those itty bitty legs.
    As for Sugar, I believe her dad cousin David's dog. I forget the name. I'm sure mom knows. Bambi was one my dad picked up somewhere.
    And sausage-fat Sugar? That come from our neighors in Madrid feeding her. She really was a fat little dog.


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