Leana's Comedy Blog Etc...

The continuing saga of a single, burgeoning stand-up comedienne/wanna-be poker ingénue/bitter corporate drone/closet hermit/hapless homeowner…living in L.A.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Last Comic Watching Last Comic Standing

I have a couple questions for the comics tonight:

Roz: Why you yelling babydoll? My voice hurts just listening to you. Take a breath. Smell the roses sista.

Ty Barnett: Telling jokes with set ups and punch lines. What an odd idea. What made you think of that?

Chris Porter: I've seen you do funnier stuff. Gotta cuss too? Did Anthony Clark use up all the pancake makeup? He couldn't even spare a little pressed powder?

Josh Blue: Pick up the pace man. You told about 6 jokes in five minutes. And why you using jokes that you got forwarded from 1995?

Michele Balan: Using your mom to get the symphathy vote? Nice. Pee jokes? Ethnic jokes? If you only get 5 minutes, how come it felt like you were up there for 2 days?

Anthony Clark: What happened to you? Are you being held against your will? Blink once for yes, twice for no...ok, just blink. Please, just once.


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