Leana's Comedy Blog Etc...

The continuing saga of a single, burgeoning stand-up comedienne/wanna-be poker ingénue/bitter corporate drone/closet hermit/hapless homeowner…living in L.A.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

The Rest of my Gambling Weekend

I realized today that this last weekend was all about gambling. As you know, dear blog, on Friday night I played Bingo (I mentioned that below.) I went in with $20; I came home with $100. Up $80.
On Saturday evening I went with Cousin Stephanie to the Los Alamitos Race Track. Not to bet on the ponies, but to watch…..the weiner dog races!!! WEEE.

To those of you in the ‘know’ I love me the weiner dogs. They are my favorite breed of dog. (Everyone has a favorite breed of dog, right?) As a youth the family had a weiner dog, Macy Mae. Macy was part weiner dog, part terrier so she had the long weiner dog body and the long-ish terrier legs. Quite a mix. I loved Macy. She was the greatest. Well, except for when she had her puppies on my bed. That was gross. I don’t care what Martha Stewart says, you can’t get puppy placenta juice out of mattresses!
I just know when I ‘grow up’ I’ll get another weiner dog. I’m just not in a place in my life where I feel comfortable being responsible for another living creature. I’ve killed two plants since moving into my condo. I fear the dog will end up chewing through the front window screen to find an owner who could remember to feed her every day.

While we were there watching the weiner dogs attempt to move their round little bodies and small stubby legs fast enough through 50 meters of plowed dirt to their owners waiting for them at the finish line, I bet on one of the horse races. I hadn’t really planned on betting, as I know nothing about handicapping and odds, but I had to.

In the second race there was a horse named L.B. Starlett. HELLO, that’s me! It couldn’t have been any more of a sign than if the horse was named "Leana Bet on ME!!!" So I bet $2 to win, $2 to place and $2 to show. I figured I’d cover all my bases. I should have known better. My horse came in fourth. DOH. Still up $74.

On Sunday afternoon I hung out with the
Long Beach Poker Club, where I managed to come out third in both tournaments. We made a little covert bet under the table in the second tournament, each of us puting in a $1. It’s amazing how much people change their play when money is involved. When we were just playing for bragging rights people would play fast and loose, but as soon as we added real money to the pot it was like we were playing for our lives!

I still lost. The hardest part about playing with this group is that we are all relatively new to the game, so none of us have acquired real ‘tells’ and we don’t know enough to play a certain way. So basically the winner of each game is given the title of “luckiest mother f-er.” I want to be the Luckiest Mother F-er. When will I be the Luckiest Mother F-er? When, When, When?

So the whole weekend I was up $73. If you disregard how much my time is worth. Then I’m only up $70.


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