Leana's Comedy Blog Etc...

The continuing saga of a single, burgeoning stand-up comedienne/wanna-be poker ingénue/bitter corporate drone/closet hermit/hapless homeowner…living in L.A.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

The Bitch is Back

Ah yes....back from my cheap-induced exile! I'm finally connected back onto the Information SuperHighway at home! No more hanging out in dirty, hooker-ridden It's a Grind coffee shop parking lots to steal wifi! I'm legit! I'm even paying for it again..well, I will be paying for it when the first bill comes. Well half of it, as Boyfriend has to pay the other half, 'cause I'm not a kept woman yet and still have to pay half the bills.

So I will be posting more
frequently again. And I have ever so much to share. But why diarrhea it all over the page tonight, when I can share it over time...or at least a couple days even.

Here's the highlights and, unfortunately,
low lights:

1) Found a kick-ass apartment in south Long Beach with the man
with whom I plan to marry and make babies.

2) Moved into said kick-ass apartment.

3) Found out the piece of shit that was going to buy my condo did some praying and decided he shouldn't sign the loan docs. Did I mention he decided this on day 29 or a 30 day escrow. I feel bad that now the guy has to get ass cancer and die. But that's KARMA

4) Broke my favorite pair of glasses. I have to wear my back up pair until I find new ones. So instead of being a cool, alternative nerd, I'm just a nerd.

5) Walked a half marathon in less than half the time it took to walk a full marathon. Think about that....

6) Got hooked on regular soda.

7) Prayed for a guy to get ass cancer.


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