Leana's Comedy Blog Etc...

The continuing saga of a single, burgeoning stand-up comedienne/wanna-be poker ingénue/bitter corporate drone/closet hermit/hapless homeowner…living in L.A.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

I almost died!


Part of my vacation plans included a trip to Six Flags. I haven't been there in years and I was itching to get on a roller coaster again.

Yesterday Boyfriend and I went.

It was a great day to go to an amusement park- it was about 100 freakin' degrees, but besides the line to get into the park (which took 30 minutes) the lines for the rides were non existent. It took longer to meander through the miles of real estate they had set up to accommodate the usually long lines, then to actually stand in said line.

The only line we had to wait in was for X. Which should have been a sign.

When the ride broke down two cycles before our turn, that should have been a sign.

When the dude standing in our row ahead of us, who looked like a fatter version of Bam Bam Bigalow (according to Ethan), and his son were kicked off 'cause the boy was too short, that should have been a sign. But it wasn't.

When Ethan claimed he had to pee really bad as we were being strapped into the ride, that should have been a sign. But it wasn't.

The bulk of the ride was awesome. It is by far the scarcest of the roller coasters at Six Flags. It wasn't 'til we were coming out of the last loop and coming into the station that I was hit..in the freakin' eye with what we've come to assume was a huge wad of wet paper.

In my fuckin' eye! Fortunately I was wearing my glasses, or I probably would have taken the thing full on. As it happened, it only knocked my clip-on sunglasses off and bent the frame.

It also left me with a small scratch and the promise of a black eye.

But holy shit was I scared. I thought for sure I had fucked up my eye. I thought I had broken my glasses. I even thought, "This is because I made fun of Fabio when he got hit by a bird on a roller coaster."

The people at Six Flags were less than concerned. I was kind of annoyed at how I was treated really. One guy was nice, but another dude was like "we tell people not to carry things on the rides that could fly away, but they don't listen. We tell them not to wear their sunglasses even." I was like "Douche bag, if I hadn't been wearing my glasses I would have taken that ginormous spit wade direct to my eye."

All seems to be ok. I can still see, and the black eye has yet to appear.

I guess it will be quite a long time 'til I go back to Six Flags. Just so you know, if you laugh at me about this, it will come back to you. Now excuse me, I have a letter to write to Fabio.


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