Leana's Comedy Blog Etc...

The continuing saga of a single, burgeoning stand-up comedienne/wanna-be poker ingénue/bitter corporate drone/closet hermit/hapless homeowner…living in L.A.

Friday, July 07, 2006

The King of Creepy

So I can't be the only one who thinks the Burger King is fuckin' creepy. Yeah that's right, I said fuckin'. I usually keep the potty mouth to a minimum but that's the only adjective that will work. Fuckin' creepy.

I think the first commercial I saw with this latest incarnation of the Burger King was the one where he appeared at the bedroom window. If that dude appeared at my bedroom window he'd be tasting the hot lead of my .25. That or the wood of my baseball bat-depending on my mood.

The second one was where the Burger King was laying in bed next to the guy when he woke up. *Insert Leana screaming like a little bitch.* I don't care if he is holding an egg-filled sandwich, the only way he leaves my bedroom is in a bodybag.

I was worried I was the only one who thought he was creepy, then I did a search on the Internets and found there is a huge hate club for that freaky bastard. He's even taken over the coveted spot in my nightmares that was once held by Ronald McDonald.

That dude is one creepy fuck. The one commercial that truly skeeved me out was the one with the little kid with the broken leg, sulking at his open bedroom window, watching longingly his friends out enjoying the great outdoors. Suddenly RMD shows up and says "Hey Timmy, wanna come out and play." EEEEEEKKK!!!! I really think that's where Stephen King came up with the idea of Pennywise in the movie IT.

What is up with advertisers who create these freakish characters? Do they sit in a smoke-filled room, around a table strewn with empty Styrofoam coffee cups and half-eaten doughnuts and ask "what will really scare the living shit out of the public?"


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